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Mission Statement and Beliefs

Misson Statement

Chickasaw City Schools expresses the mission of Alabama’s library media programs as supporting the school’s instructional program to improve student learning and student achievement. This mission is accomplished by:

  • Ensuring learners will be able to independently inquire, think critically, and to gain, create, and share knowledge;
  • Providing real and virtual access to appropriate, high-quality resources and services during and outside the school day;
  • Participating in curriculum development and design of learning activities; and
  • Facilitating professional development for the learning community. 


The CCS Library Media Program believes that the school library media center is a fundamental part of the educational program.  Therefore, the school’s philosophy and goals help establish direction for library media services. Programs may vary based on school characteristics however, all schools will strive to:

  • Provide flexible, real, and virtual access to a wide range of informational resources
  • Provide supplementary materials to enhance the school curriculum
  • Integrate information skills instruction with classroom activities
  • Support teachers in using a variety of media formats to improve instruction
  • Motivate students to enjoy good literature and other relevant resources
  • Provide access to current technologies to improve instructional effectiveness
  • Participate in curriculum based and collaborative learning opportunities