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College & University Info

Chieftains Keep Calm and Plan Your Future

It is never too early to start researching and planning for your future! Now is the time for you think about whether you want to attend a Career Technical Program through a 2-year community college, get your basic courses first through a 2-year community college, or if you plan on attending a 4-year university!! I hope some of these resources are useful for you and your guardians on researching the BEST route for YOU!!

 **Need your high school transcript sent to the school/institution you are considering or have committed to attend? Please fill out this Transcript Request Form so your Registrar can assist you!**

Registrar Information: Ms. Patrick (

Make your SUMMER Count! Boost your resume for College Admission needs and Scholarship opportunities!!

Scholarship & College Resource from CollegeBoard!!

Alabama Schools: Comprehensive College Information Packet

Troy University Updates and Info!

Important information about Troy Univeristy's admissions, housing, and scholarshis!

What are Some Things I Should be Doing for YOU?

This is just 1 of the many guides that drive the work high school counselors should be doing for you! I look forward to doing my part!

#WHYAPPLY...Here's why!!

Here are some FAQ's for students on why you should apply to college!

​​​​​​​Curriculo de Preparacion para la Universidad y la Ca

​​​​​​​I've Applied...What Now?? Next Steps!!

A resource to guide you after you have applied to your schools! Let help!

​​​​​​​College Research Worksheet

Need help narrowing down the college of your choice? Let help!

​​​​​​​10 Steps to Applying for College!!

This is just 1 of many resources on!!

CollegeBoard: College Planning 9th/10th

CollegeBoard: College Planning 11th Grade​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

CollegeBoard: College Planning 12th Grade

Alabama HBCU Spotlight

Learn all about Alabama's HBCUs!

College Essay Checklist

Follow these easy steps when writing your college essay!!

2022-23 NCAA College Bound Athlete Guide

2022-23 NCAA College Bound Athlete Guide. 

Guia de Planificacion

​​​​​​​College Planning Guide- Wells Fargo

College Planning Guide for students and parents

​​​​​​​Alabama Goes to College Guide for Students and Families!

What is your timeline for college exploration? How do you choose the right path for you? How do you pay for college? Check out this guide if you have these questions!!!