Chickasaw Middle School
Syllabus for Regular English - 8th Grade
Instructor: A. Anderson Planning: M-Th (10:00 - 10:15) Date: August 27, 2020
- Course Objectives: The student will become an effective, lifelong communicator by participating in the following activities:
- Expressing meaning effectively, competently, and confidently in various spoken and written modes
- Applying strategies to construct meaning from oral, written, and visual materials.
- Utilizing skills and strategies required for effective communication and productivity in the classroom and in the workplace.
- Mastering the skills in reading, writing, and language as required by the Alabama Course of Study, College and Career Ready Standards, Pacing Guide, and/or ACT Quality Core, ACAP, and/or APlus College Ready Curriculum.
- Improving vocabulary skills for use in oral and written work.
- Utilizing technology to enhance learning.
- Textbooks and Materials: (Required for class daily)
- APlus College Ready Curriculum
- Notebook with loose-leaf paper, pencils, and blue/black ink pens
- Chrome book (needs to be fully charged before entering the classroom)
- USB Flashdrive (for school work only)
- Tech Tools: Evernote; Anki; Kami; others will be introduced
- Supplemental reading materials/novels:
The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare
III. Assignments: Daily/Weekly/Quarterly/Presentations; Projects; Reports; Research Papers; Tests/Quizzes/Exams (more specific information to come)
- Evaluations:
Formative and Summative Assessments |
Daily Work (Inside/Outside Class work) |
60% |
40% |
Quarterly Exams:
- Comprehensive exams will be given at the end of each quarter. They will be entered as an assessment for each 9 week grading period.
To Calculate Course Grades for Students:
- For the first semester, the midterm grade should be a “stand alone” item in the gradebook and is worth 20% of the first semester grade.
Example: 1st quarter average (40%) + 2nd quarter grade (40%) + midterm (20%) = first semester average
- For the second semester, the final exam grade is a “stand alone” category in the gradebook.
Example: 3rd quarter average (40%) + 4th quarter average (40%) + final (20%) = second semester average
For students who are exempt from final exams, check “EXEMPT” under “STUDENT AVERAGES”.
- Final course grade: first semester average + second semester average ÷ 2 = final course average
Progress reports will be sent home every 4½ weeks. Report cards will be sent home every 9 weeks.
- Attendance: See Student Handbook/School Board Policy
Attendance is a student and/or parent's responsibility. Work can be made up if a student has an excused absence and turns in make-up work within 3 days of the excused absence. Work cannot be made up with an unexcused absence. "Study Buddies," highly recommended, need to be contacted for missed assignments. It is the student's responsibility to see the teacher to discuss arrangements for make-up tests.
- Questions/Concerns/Notifications: Please email me directly at to schedule phone/planning period/face-to-face conference times to discuss academics, accommodations, behavior, or any other concerns you may have. I welcome all discussions from students and parents.
Students and parents are urged to consult with the teacher about failing grades prior to the end of the grading period. Students will receive a username/password to view grades in INOW. Parents, make sure YOU keep up with your child's grades in INOW, and please provide me with your personal email address so I can invite you into your child's Google Classroom. You will be able to see assignments, tests, and grades also.
Chickasaw High School
Syllabus for Regular/Honors English - 10th Grade
Instructor: A. Anderson Planning: M-Th (10:00 - 10:15) Date: August 27, 2020
- Course Objectives: The student will become an effective, lifelong communicator by participating in the following activities:
- Expressing meaning effectively, competently, and confidently in various spoken and written modes
- Applying strategies to construct meaning from oral, written, and visual materials.
- Utilizing skills and strategies required for effective communication and productivity in the classroom and in the workplace.
- Mastering the skills in reading, writing, and language as required by the Alabama Course of Study, College and Career Ready Standards, Pacing Guide, and/or ACT Quality Core, ACAP, and/or APlus College Ready Curriculum.
- Improving vocabulary skills for use in oral and written work.
- Utilizing technology to enhance learning.
- Textbooks and Materials: (Required for class daily)
- APlus College Ready Curriculum
- Notebook with loose-leaf paper, pencils, and blue/black ink pens
- Chrome book (needs to be fully charged before entering the classroom)
- USB Flashdrive (for school work only)
- Tech Tools: Evernote; Anki; Kami; others will be introduced
- Supplemental reading materials/novels:
Warriors Don't Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
III. Assignments: Daily/Weekly/Quarterly/Middle & End of semester; Presentations; Projects; Reports; Research Papers; Tests/Quizzes/Exams (more specific information to come)
- Evaluations:
Formative and Summative Assessments |
Daily Work (Inside/Outside Class work) |
60% |
40% |
Midterm and Final Examination Policy, Grades 9-12:
- Each course offered will have a midterm and final exam.
- The midterm exam will test all material taught during the first half of the course.
- The final exam will be comprehensive (covering the first and second halves of the course).
- All students are required to take midterm exams unless they are exempted.
To Calculate Course Grades for Students:
- For the first semester, the midterm grade should be a “stand alone” item in the gradebook and is worth 20% of the first semester grade.
Example: 1st quarter average (40%) + 2nd quarter grade (40%) + midterm (20%) = first semester average
- For the second semester, the final exam grade is a “stand alone” category in the gradebook.
Example: 3rd quarter average (40%) + 4th quarter average (40%) + final (20%) = second semester average
For students who are exempt from final exams, check “EXEMPT” under “STUDENT AVERAGES”.
- Final course grade: first semester average + second semester average ÷ 2 = final course average
Progress reports will be sent home every 4½ weeks. Report cards will be sent home every 9 weeks.
- Attendance: See Student Handbook/School Board Policy
Attendance is a student and/or parent's responsibility. Work can be made up if a student has an excused absence and turns in make-up work within 3 days of the excused absence. Work cannot be made up with an unexcused absence. "Study Buddies," highly recommended, need to be contacted for missed assignments. It is the student's responsibility to see the teacher to discuss arrangements for make-up tests.
- Questions/Concerns/Notifications: Please email me directly at to schedule phone/planning period/face-to-face conference times to discuss academics, accommodations, behavior, or any other concerns you may have. I welcome all discussions from students and parents.
Students and parents are urged to consult with the teacher about failing grades prior to the end of the grading period. Students will receive a username/password to view grades in INOW. Parents, make sure YOU keep up with your child's grades in INOW, and please provide me with your personal email address so I can invite you into your child's Google Classroom. You will be able to see assignments, tests, and grades also.
Chickasaw High School
Syllabus for Regular English - 11th Grade
Instructor: A. Anderson Planning: M-Th (10:00 - 10:15) Date: August 27, 2020
- Course Objectives: The student will become an effective, lifelong communicator by participating in the following activities:
- Expressing meaning effectively, competently, and confidently in various spoken and written modes
- Applying strategies to construct meaning from oral, written, and visual materials.
- Utilizing skills and strategies required for effective communication and productivity in the classroom and in the workplace.
- Mastering the skills in reading, writing, and language as required by the Alabama Course of Study, College and Career Ready Standards, Pacing Guide, and/or ACT Quality Core, ACAP, and/or APlus College Ready Curriculum.
- Improving vocabulary skills for use in oral and written work.
- Utilizing technology to enhance learning.
- Textbooks and Materials: (Required for class daily)
- Holt McDougal Literature: Elements of Literature Fifth Course
- Notebook with loose-leaf paper, pencils, and blue/black ink pens
- Chrome book (needs to be fully charged before entering the classroom)
- USB Flashdrive (for school work only)
- Tech Tools: Evernote; Anki; Kami; others will be introduced
- Supplemental reading materials/novels:
The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien:;
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald: OR
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway:
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry: Text%20mariner.pdf
III. Assignments: Daily/Weekly/Quarterly/Middle & End of semester; Presentations; Projects; Reports; Research Papers; Tests/Quizzes/Exams (more specific information to come)
- Evaluations:
Formative and Summative Assessments |
Daily Work (Inside/Outside Class work) |
60% |
40% |
Midterm and Final Examination Policy, Grades 9-12:
- Each course offered will have a midterm and final exam.
- The midterm exam will test all material taught during the first half of the course.
- The final exam will be comprehensive (covering the first and second halves of the course).
- All students are required to take midterm exams unless they are exempted.
To Calculate Course Grades for Students:
- For the first semester, the midterm grade should be a “stand alone” item in the gradebook and is worth 20% of the first semester grade.
Example: 1st quarter average (40%) + 2nd quarter grade (40%) + midterm (20%) = first semester average
- For the second semester, the final exam grade is a “stand alone” category in the gradebook.
Example: 3rd quarter average (40%) + 4th quarter average (40%) + final (20%) = second semester average
For students who are exempt from final exams, check “EXEMPT” under “STUDENT AVERAGES”.
- Final course grade: first semester average + second semester average ÷ 2 = final course average
Progress reports will be sent home every 4½ weeks. Report cards will be sent home every 9 weeks.
- Attendance: See Student Handbook/School Board Policy
Attendance is a student and/or parent's responsibility. Work can be made up if a student has an excused absence and turns in make-up work within 3 days of the excused absence. Work cannot be made up with an unexcused absence. "Study Buddies," highly recommended, need to be contacted for missed assignments. It is the student's responsibility to see the teacher to discuss arrangements for make-up tests.
- Questions/Concerns/Notifications: Please email me directly at to schedule phone/planning period/face-to-face conference times to discuss academics, accommodations, behavior, or any other concerns you may have. I welcome all discussions from students and parents.
Students and parents are urged to consult with the teacher about failing grades prior to the end of the grading period. Students will receive a username/password to view grades in INOW. Parents, make sure YOU keep up with your child's grades in INOW, and please provide me with your personal email address so I can invite you into your child's Google Classroom. You will be able to see assignments, tests, and grades also.